Pronouns: He/him.
Age: 41 years.
Sexuality: Pansexual, cisgender.
Personality type: Intimidating, critical, stubborn. Seems to consider himself superior.
Voice: Average to high-toned; thick German accent. Voice samples.
This is not the medic everyone is familiar with in the TF2 franchise. This medic usually lives in modern day or somewhere adjacent to that, outside of the main premise of battling teams.
Dr. Schäfer runs his own local and private clinic, fully staffed with plenty of nurses. It's quite the cushy place — The man seems to be pretty well-off and well equipped, but he's a recluse. He does his job, and no one sees much else of him. It's strange, though; there have been an awful lot of reports of convicted rapists and pedophiles going missing near his manor... I'm sure there's no connection there, right?
➔ He does not own any pets in this portrayal, though he has an affinity for cats.
➔ He keeps medical samples and cadaver pieces preserved of some of his victims.
➔ He is hailed as an incredibly skilled surgeon, taking on even the toughest of cases. This, coupled with a rich inheritance, is why he is so wealthy.
➔ His nurses know his secret, and willingly assist with his plans to eradicate towns of people he deems punishable.
➔ He frequently makes donations to several organizations, and has been known to take on medical cases free of charge.
➔ Though in gestures such as the one above he seems good-hearted, he is rather outwardly a prick in person, and is not above insulting people.
➔ He is often sleep-deprived, because he is a workaholic.